Sunday, September 13, 2009

Things I Can Do Without

I laughed as my friend and I named a few of these things because I told her it'd all boil down to one thing--people.

But why spoil the fun? I'll update this as they come to me. Feel free to add your own and maybe I'll stick 'em in the list as well.

1. Sound systems so loud you wish they'd just shatter the rear window of the car they're pounding in
2. Driving
3. Skateboarders on campus (this isn't Venice Beach, asshole, walk like the rest of us)
4. People who touch your things and either don't put them back, or put them back in the wrong place
5. Country music
6. The Jonas Brothers
7. Miley Cyrus
8. MTV
9. Geico commercials, of any form
10. Flo from the Progressive commercials
11. Twilight
12. Wiggers
13. Alternative rock
14. Walking outside after a summer downpour, only to feel ten pounds heavier and a sudden urge to wash your body with every ounce of soap you possess because of the intense humidity
15. Fast food
16. Meatheaded straight guys who are clearly lying about their masculinity
17. Over-analysis
18. Joe Morgan
19. David after Dentist--both the video, and the endless parodies
20. LOL Cats (this hasn't been funny for over a year, give it a rest)
21. Kanye West...does this need anything else added to it?
22. Terribly awkward looking tattoos, especially ones that are only meant to make the owner look different
23. Religion
24. Facebook's asinine trends
25. Most technology
26. Fantasy Fiction
27. Those who wear winter coats when it's sixty something degrees out
28. Ugg boots, especially worn in Florida--it's not going to ever get cold enough to really wear them, so buy thicker socks if your feet are cold and stop insulting my eyes
29. American youth culture
30. Songs that feature little kids singing backup
31. People who use "pretty much" as an intensifier
32. People who use the word "epic" too much
33. People who end a question with "or no?"
34. When someone starts a sentence with "not gonna lie". Thanks for your honesty, it's much appreciated.
35. The common reaction to a surprising situation I seem to encounter every day and now even see in commercials and on television: "Are you kidding me?", "Seriously?", or "Really?"


  1. People in "open relationships".

  2. I agree with Lauren! Olivia Black made one of these and I added a bunch to hers but now since I'm not her friend, I can't see the blog anymore, rofl.

    Girls who think they're making a fashion statement by following the newest fad. VV

    Psycho roommates who cry and play their shitty music out loud then leave it on on purpose when they leave

    People get tattoos to be different

    Wet phones


    Mariah Carey

    Colbie Calait

    Lady Gaga


    Tila Tequila and her shitty shows

    Christians who desperately try to convert people


    Super humidity

    People with Bipolar Disorder

  3. You mean like you buying those rain boots because "they'd be useful, and a lot of other girls have them!"?

  4. I want credit for my contributions

  5. Yo, great job, burh?, I'll let you finish, but Lauren had one of the best contributions of all time

  6. People who write blogs about things they could do without... psshh :P (just kidding...)

    People who complain about everything, and then if thats not enough, they complain some more about other people who complain. lol
