Monday, August 24, 2009

Congratulations, Michael Cera

Congratulations, big guy, you've joined an elite cast and accomplished quite a feat. You were on the cusp of joining only a handful of Hollywood's biggest actors who have successfully pulled off the act of playing the same character in every movie, and now your initiation is complete.

And in doing so, you also showed your loyal fans and other viewers that you could make the same movie five times. You were that awkward, shy guy in Superbad, in Juno, in Nick and Norah's Infinite Playist, in Year One, and now in your upcoming film, Youth in Revolt. How fitting.

Can you just rename your career "Youth in Revolt", or your legally change your name as such?

We get it, you have a hard time fitting in because your character is socially awkward. We get it, you're cute in that nerdy shy guy way. We all understand that it's not easy for you to get the girl you're always chasing endlessly after, but God damn it, you're going to try!

You, young man, embody your upcoming movie. You are, and very well could always be, a youth in revolt. You seem to enjoy that rebellious fix you're on where it's a constant struggle to finally break free and live your life in harmony with your tight fitting corduroy pants and your cute love interest. The thought of having to attain all this by involving yourself in some wacky scheme makes those corduroy pants feel a little bit tighter around the crotch, doesn't it?

Best of luck in all your future endeavors. I hope those other people your age don't completely trample your self esteem before you kiss that girl that's SO OBVIOUSLY out of your league, and I hope those adults, both the ones that love you for you are and the ones who pick on you at school when you get sucked into some silly teenage shenanigans, go easy enough on you to not obliterate your young, childlike innocence.

Because if they do, some other kid will have to step into your moccasins, adorn themselves with a small brown hoodie and vintage name brand t-shirt, and call me crazy, but I don't think they can.

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