Friday, December 4, 2009

Dear America, That's Enough

There are many things I'll never understand about this country, this fat, lazy, tabloid obsessed country, but the latter is easily the hardest to comprehend.

I've literally ignored this Tiger Woods nonsense as best I could, but I'm to the point where I wish I was in his car when it crashed into that tree.

Have you people nothing better to talk about? Nothing more intelligent to hold your interest?

Oh, that's right, New Moon just hit theaters.

Are you all so vapid, so completely devoid of anything substantial to pay attention to, that THIS has to drive your daily lives? A friend of mine pointed out that another story to somehow skim the radar this past week, the one probably mentioned when you morons got up to go get something to eat was one people should have become so irate over. Four police officers were ambushed and brutally slain in a coffeehouse while planning their shift. Tiger Woods cheats on his "hot wife" and at the drop of a golf ball, suddenly the fatasses sitting on are spitting out mindless pun after pun, checking Yahoo's front page every ten minutes for a new perspective from someone else who read about the story.

Seriously, that's enough.

It's not enough to you people that you can walk down a checkout line at a grocery store and read the same inane bullshit about a celebrity caught without makeup on, you want more. And boy did you get it. Most will react to this with "I only followed it because it was on the news", or "It's funny! His wife beat him up!" The weather is also on the news, the news is on the news, and there will always be a story to grace the local newspaper detailing a redneck doing something insane with an oversized confederate flag. Make the right decision.

But you won't. Once everyone has ceased to ask the person sitting next to them if they heard Tiger Woods did something they themselves have probably done, once they've all decided they're tired of talking about Susan Boyle or someone else from American Idol, the next story will break about Meagan Fox's bisexuality. And the real news, sitting in some corner somewhere, discussing eachother's stories with one another will be locked away. And the key will be lost somewhere in the muck of an issue of US Weekly.


  1. Nice, I can't remember the link but some dude holds a New Moon showing in LA, all the fans get there super pumped, and he goes on stage and tells them it isn't a movie showing, but an intervention and that vampires in the Twilight sense are lame. pretty funny.

  2. I posted that on Facebook, too. I literally can't get enough of the Twilight mocking that's out there, it's the only thing to sort of combat the fandom for it.
